«Hold-up» Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 09/05/2024

Comment mobiliser le plein potentiel fiscal? C’est l’un des principaux enjeux pour les prochaines années. Car cela permettra de dégager de nouvelles ressources, pouvant... + Lire la suite...

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1.2 million visitors to the Majorelle garden

Par Badra BERRISSOULE | Edition N°:6735 Le 29/03/2024 | Partager

This is one of the must-see cultural sites during a stay in Marrakech. With its three components - the Jardin Majorelle and the Jardin Majorelle Museum, the Yves Saint Laurent Marrakech Museum and the Pierre Bergé Museum of Berber Art - the site attracts at least half of all tourists visiting Marrakech. The Jardin Majorelle alone attracted 1.2 million visitors in 2023.

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